Report Workout

This article describes how to report your training.
Updated 1 year ago

1. Using the phone app

You can report your training directly in the smartphone app for Android and iPhone.

1.1 Click on the workout you wish to report

1.2 Click on Completed

1.2.1 View exercise details

1.3 Report exercises

You can change duration or sets, repetitions and load for each exercise. If you did exactly what was planned you do not have to change anything.
If you did not complete a particular exercise you can mark it as "Skipped" using the toggle button.

1.4 Select session RPE

Select how hard you perceived the workout using the slider at the bottom. Reporting the session RPE help you monitor your internal training load. Read more about training load here.

1.5 Select date and duration

You can modify the date and duration of the workout before saving. Reporting a correct duration will give you a more accurate training load.
When you are ready to save your report click on Completed.

1.6 Changing your report

You can change your report. Open the workout you which to change and click "Change report" at the bottom.

2. Using the web site

2.1 Click on the workout you wish to report

2.2 Click on Completed

2.3 Select date and duration

You can modify the date and duration for the workout. Reporting a correct duration will give you a more accurate training load.

2.4 Select session RPE

Select how hard you perceived the workout using the slider at the top. Reporting the session RPE help you monitor your internal training load. Read more about training load here.

2.5 Report exercise

You can change duration or sets, repetitions and load for each exercise. If you did exactly what was planned you do not have to change anything.
If you did not complete a particular exercise you can mark it as "Skipped".
Click on "Save" to save your report.

2.5.1 Adding extra exercises

You can add "extra" exercises that was not part of the original workout to your report using the search bar below the exercise list.

2.6 Changing your report

If you need to change your report, click on the workout again and then "Change report".

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