Show your workouts in your calendar app

This guide describes how you can show your workouts and other events from Athlete Analyzer in your regular calendar app e.g. Google Calendar or Apple Calendar.
Written by Athlete Analyzer
Updated 10 months ago

1. Go to your Calendar

1.1. Click on the tools menu

1.2. Click on "iCal link to your calendar"

2. Copy your link

Copy your link and paste it into your calendar app where it says import calendar or similar. Below follow guide on how you do it in a few popular apps.

Do not share your link with other persons.

Google Calendar

Please note! Google Calendar only syncs once per day. That mean it can take up to 24 hours before changes show in your calendar. Check your Athlete Analyzer app to see your current schedule.

1. Click on the + "Add other calendar"

2. Select from URL

3. Past your link and click on "Add Calendar"

Apple Calendar on iPhone

1.Open your calendar app and click on "Calendars"

2. Click on "Add Calendar" and then "Add Subscription Calendar"

3. Paste your calendar link and click on "Subscribe"

4. Name your calendar and click on "Add"

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